Another great track!
Unlike some, I have the decency and patience to wait on awesome songs. As I've come to realize, deep within your songs, a latent awesome hides, but reveals itself. The song made me thing of many things, a variety of different things. The beginning and middle were just the topping to the sundae. When it got to the bass/synth part I began to taste the sweet, slow-churned "icecream" of this song. The slowing end made me think of something shutting down, as if dying, most likely from what you explained as your favorite pianist dying. The song itself doesn't particularly sound as if cold and snowy, but more like submerged. The very rigid sound of the beat did make it feel as though it were a very hard ice, as if piercing and scraping to the touch. Friction.
Rabble, rabble... I love this song xD
<3, Nurren.